At one time, the trees of our forests were so well known that the common man, standing at a distance, could tell the species being cut by the sound of the axe. His knowledge of each species and its uses was an important factor in his life and even his survival.
It is ironic that now with our survival linked so closely to the fate of our forests we take our trees and forest for granted, instead of taking a hand in their growth.
As I began my career in 1976, I was fortunate to discover the wealth presented by the wide variety of woods and learned that to protect them, we must know their value. Sharing an understanding of this value has been a major objective of my work.
Each craftsperson working in wood has the opportunity to give voice to our forests. Just as human beings tell our own stories in words and through the things we make, trees are storytellers, too. Where there’s a knot, there had been a branch. Each day in the life of the tree and of the forest is recorded in color, figure and grain. The story told by and through wood is of the interconnectedness of all life. In the hands of a caring craftsperson, that story is then preserved and passed through to new generations.
Woodworking can be done in such a way that the story of the forest is more clearly expressed and understood.
In order to use my craftsmanship to better effect:
- I strive to use woods that are sustainably harvested from my local area and present them in their natural colors.
- I make use of natural edges and textures to enhance design.
- I attempt to use the technical and aesthetic properties of various woods to their best advantage in the work.
- I attempt to make work that will last for generations. * In signing my work, I identify the types of woods used so that others may learn to recognize them and know their beauty and value.
- I make certain that by-products of my work are recycled to best use.
- And through the creation of useful beauty, homage is offered to the spirit of the trees that have taken part.
Through teaching and by example, I hope that my work inspires others to take part.